Generator Engine Valve Spring. This engine valve spring (part number 0C4391) is for generators.Engine valve spring 0C4391 closes the valve when the cam releases the valve.Work in a well-ventilated area when installing this part. Drain the fuel tank and disconnect the spark plug wi... - Generator Engine Valve Spring.
Generator Engine Valve Spring Retainer. This engine valve spring retainer (part number 0D2274) is for generators.Engine valve spring retainer 0D2274 holds the valve spring in place.Wait until the engine is cool the touch and disconnect the spark plug wire before installing this part. Wear ... - Generator Engine Valve Spring Retainer.
Vacuum Bypass Valve Spring Housing. This bypass valve spring housing (part number KC68KCHPZV07) is for vacuums.Bypass valve spring housing KC68KCHPZV07 holds the bypass valve spring.Unplug the vacuum before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.... - Vacuum Bypass Valve Spring Housing.
Lawn & Garden Equipment Engine Valve Spring. This valve spring (part number 31672) is for lawn and garden equipment engines.Valve spring 31672 closes the valve when the cam releases the valve.Work in a well-ventilated area when installing this part. Drain the fuel tank and disconnect the spark ... - Lawn & Garden Equipment Engine Valve Spring.