Refrigerator Ice Ball Kit. This ice ball kit (part number WR49X10180) is for refrigerators.Ice ball kit WR49X10180 contains the parts needed to seal gaps in the refrigerator's beverage center and the air handler cover. The kit contains multiple parts; refer to your parts diagr... - Refrigerator Ice Ball Kit.
Dryer Grounding Ball. This grounding ball (part number 5303281019) is for dryers.Grounding ball 5303281019 reduces friction in the rear bearing as the drum rotates.Disconnect the power before replacing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.... - Dryer Grounding Ball.
Dishwasher Filter Ball. This filter ball (part number WD12X10408) is for dishwashers.Filter ball WD12X10408 prevents drain water from backing up into the dishwasher sump.Unplug the dishwasher and shut off the water supply before installing this part. Wear work gloves to pro... - Dishwasher Filter Ball.