13621 13-Cup Deluxe Food Processor 600 Watt in Black and. Let the Caso Food Processor become your sous chef. It makes food prep simple and efficient. With a powerful 600-watt motor and a large 13 cup bowl. the food processor allows you to slice. grate. mince and mix with ease. Two reversible slicing/grating...- 13621 13-Cup Deluxe Food Processor 600 Watt in Black and.
Food Processor 2-Prong Power Cord (Black). This power cord (part number W10451329 ) is for food processors.Power cord W10451329 is a 2-prong power cord. Unplug the food processor before installing power cord W10451329 .... - Food Processor 2-Prong Power Cord (Black).
Food Processor Blade. This blade (part number WPW10451489) is for food processors.Blade WPW10451489 spins inside of the bowl to process the food being prepared.Follow the instructions in your owner's manual when installing this part.... - Food Processor Blade.
Food Processor Whisk. This whisk (part number WPW10451493) is for food processors.Whisk WPW10451493 spins inside of the bowl to whip the food being prepared.Follow the instructions in your owner's manual when installing this part.... - Food Processor Whisk.
Food Processor S-Blade. This blade (part number WPW10597678) is for food processors.Blade WPW10597678 spins inside of the bowl to process the food being prepared.Follow the instructions in your owner's manual when installing this part.... - Food Processor S-Blade.
Food Processor Scraper. This scraper (part number 8211760) is for food processors.Scraper 8211760 must be used only when the food processor isn't running.Follow the instructions in your owner's manual when using this part.... - Food Processor Scraper.
Food Processor Bowl Lid. This bowl lid (part number W11239488) is for food processors.Bowl lid W11239488 covers the top of the bowl to prevent spills and splatters.... - Food Processor Bowl Lid.
Food Processor Pusher. This pusher (part number W11027645) is for food processors.Pusher W11027645 lets you push food safely into the processor while the processor runs.Follow the instructions in your owner's manual when installing this part.... - Food Processor Pusher.